TWILIGHT WAS ABSOLUTLY AWESOMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i seriously didn't want it to end. when the credits came i was like..."its over? it can't be" but rachel and i were like seriously taken in by edward....he's soooo hotttt. brandon looked bored. so if you watch edwards facial expressions in the movie you will laugh so hard....they are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! especially in the scene where bella meets his family. it was soooo good. so pretty much i'm bella because i'm so clumsy. haha lol.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
i'm going with rachel and brandon(2 of my bff's)
i'll let ya know how it goes.
love ya
i'm going with rachel and brandon(2 of my bff's)
i'll let ya know how it goes.
love ya
Saturday, November 15, 2008
more life
So i can't see twilight the day it comes out because the tickets were sold out. but i'm gonna see it the next day. either way, i'm seeing it within the first week of its release date.
So the performance for encore was good. it was alot of fun.
Yesterday was my friend Melani's sweet 16. And her parents threw her a surprise party, and i got to go. it was soooo much fun. Her face when she walked in the door was soooo priceless. There was food, games, and just alot of fun people.
Tonight i'm going to a stake dance. The theme is black and white. It will be alot of fun, as all of them are.
well see ya later.
love ya
So the performance for encore was good. it was alot of fun.
Yesterday was my friend Melani's sweet 16. And her parents threw her a surprise party, and i got to go. it was soooo much fun. Her face when she walked in the door was soooo priceless. There was food, games, and just alot of fun people.
Tonight i'm going to a stake dance. The theme is black and white. It will be alot of fun, as all of them are.
well see ya later.
love ya
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
9 DAYS!!!!!!!
I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna go see it after school the day it comes out with my friends, Rachel and Roni. I'm wayyyy excited.
I'm kinda sad though. Robert Pattinson(edward)was in dallas yesterday, and I couldn't go see him. It was sad. Oh well.
love ya
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Countdown and life
Yes I have joined the Twilight bandwagon. I'm so in love with it. I read the series in October and I fell totally in love with it. I'm gonna see the movie the day it comes out. My friend is going to take me after school to see it.....I'M TOTALLY EXCITED!!!!!!!
So school is good. I passed all my classes at the end of the term. Encore(the showchoir) is going great. We have a performance on Thursday. I think it will be good. I get free pizza. haha. French class is going great. I love learning a language. Yesterday we started learning the foods.
So my ward split on the 9th. I'm in the Heritage Ward now. Half my friends are still in Keller 1st though. But it's ok. I've still got friends in my new ward.
As always I'm still reading everything. I finished Breaking Dawn, and I want to read the host, I just have to get my hands on a book.
Well got to go.
love ya
Saturday, October 4, 2008
just haven't written in a while, just thought i'd say hi. and i'm having a great life right now. ummm, grease is going great we open in 2 weeks. but if my algebra teacher did fail me, i'm gonna get kicked out of it. and if that happens, oh well, i'll get over it.
i'm in the 9th and 10th grade girl showchoir now. its going great. i have rehearsels every thursday after school. my favorite class right now is probably French class. I love being able to learn a new language. my least favorite is algebra 2. of course....haha. i just don't understand it at all. luckily i've found a friend who is like a moat genius, i'll keep her nameless though, even though i don't think any of you know her. i really like my biology class...i know big shock. my teacher is way awesome. well any ways g2g.
love ya
Friday, August 29, 2008
I JUST GOT INTO MY SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited. I've never actually been in my school's musical before.
I've been in a BYU musical before(which was the best time ever) but it wasn't MY school.
Sorry, I'm so stoked about this. Even though I'm just in the chorus, I'm so happy. It's better than not being in at all. I AM SO FREAKING STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya.
I'm so excited. I've never actually been in my school's musical before.
I've been in a BYU musical before(which was the best time ever) but it wasn't MY school.
Sorry, I'm so stoked about this. Even though I'm just in the chorus, I'm so happy. It's better than not being in at all. I AM SO FREAKING STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ettiquite night.
So tonight at Young Women's was and ettiquite dinner. We were combined with the Young Men. Except it was just the Mia Maids and Teachers. OMG the boys were such gentlemen. They stood up when a girl at their table left the table, or arrived. They pushed in our chairs. awwwww. There were rolls(which were sooo good), salads, lasagna w/ squash, and ice cream with a brownie. So once when I came back from the restroom, Brother Killebrew said that when you push a girls chair in for her, when you sit back down that you can scoot closer to her. When he said that I like scooted over the other way(kinda) then i realized that Darren was on the other side of me. I'm thinking "crap what do i do." lol jk but then Noble, Melani, and I all went to the "bathroom" and when we came back Collin actually did do the scooting thing. I was like...ummm okay then. when we were done Melani was like "you should have scotted back and been like 'hey' in a flirty voice" hahaha. she was kidding but it was hilarious. We talked about alot of different things, but it was so much fun, I learned some things about ettiquette to.
well love ya....
sorry i didn't have my camera with me otherwise there would be some pics to.
well love ya....
sorry i didn't have my camera with me otherwise there would be some pics to.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My pics from vacation
My own mini photoshoot....haha yeah right. we were just goofing off with the camera
Kami, Mandy, Me
Mandy, Kami, Kylee
This is me by a rose bush, it's one of my fave pics.
These are the pics from my vacation.
I finaly figured out how to get them up.
Thanks Lela for telling me
really fun party.
ok so my friend chloe held and end of the summer birthday bash. she has a pool so of course there was gonna be swimming. i got there at about 7:30. and swam with everyone until about 9 when we went in for cake and pizza. when we all had a peice of cake, she said stuff your face on the count of three. (as in put your face in the cake) so kristeen, katie, i think phil, and i did. chloe was only kidding....haha. but within 5 minutes, everyone was covered in was awesome. we then cleaned off, and ate pizza. then some chose to watch the old phsyco. i didn't i went back to the pool with katie and lindsey. me and katie were talking in the pool for a while, and lindsey was i think texting, then phil came out, me and katie were still talking but then phil came over and talked to us....lindsey just sat there. then some people got bored of the movie and decided to come out. thats when the REAL fun began. everyone started pushing everyone in....kinda.....the guys were pushing the girls in, and some girls pushed girls in. but eventually we all were trying to get the guys in. I think the guy's decided to gang up on me, because i would "fight" back. so while i was resisting one....another would come up behind me and push me. unless for some reason i was pushing darren, then he could just get me on his own, most of the time. then we took a break. but then we went back to pushing. me and katie were ganging up on darren, cause 1, he's CUTE. 2. he was strong, cause he is a football player. it was so fun. we then went in and did presents. chloe's dad told us a seatbelt then we all went back to the pool. we were still all pushing eachother in still. once i went out to grab my stuff, cause it was just before the presents, and i thought we were done with the pool. but darren was there, i was like don't push me in, i have a towel, and my mom will get mad at me because my towel was wet. he was like then take the towel off. i was like fine....he was like don't and he walked in....i just laughed.....he pused me in like 10,000 times that night....if not, close...hahaha. then people started leaving so me chloe, jared, stephine, and kayla just sat in the pool talking. then my mom came and we talked to chloe's mom for a minute, then we came home. i got home at about midnight....AWESOME yeah, i had a REALLY fun night.these were the people that came:chloe(duh it was her party)kayla, katie, lindsey, stephine, darren, phil, bryan, kristeen, levi, jared, me, and i think that's it...i can't remember anyone else being there.but omg the funnest part....kinda was when the neighboors(at about 10:30) started looking out their windows and glaring at us....we counted that as a we had to turn off the music, but we were definatily NOT quiter....we got louder i think....haha. we were joking saying that first was 1 complaint,then a few complaints....then finally we were gonna have the cops called on us...of course we were kidding, but it was fun. and since it was a boy/girl party when lindsey's mom came to get her, we were JOKING that yeah we had drugs and alcohol....but we were so JK. then i was like yeah and some boy's and girls got ALITTLE to close to eachother....haha. i was jk. but, kinda...we got close when pushing eachother in...but not THAT close. but yeah. it was soooooooo fun. omg out of the 5 guys who were there, the CUTEST was definatly darren. he is so gorgous and has a GREAT smile...but i don't like him like that at all.
well love ya
well love ya
Monday, August 4, 2008
Does anyone know how...
to add pictures to the blog, if you do please tell me, I have some pics I want to put up.
love ya,
love ya,
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The story I mentioned yesterday
The fanfiction story I told you about yesterday, the one I wasn't very far into, is now completed. I've been reading since 10:00 this morning(when I woke up) and finished it alittle more than an hour ago. It was so good. I so totally loved it.
Just felt like sharing.
Love ya,
Just felt like sharing.
Love ya,
Friday, August 1, 2008
Jane Austen
I am such a fan of her work. She was an amazing writer. I love reading her books. And watching movies of her books. I just love Pride & Prejudice. It's so good. As well with Sense & Sensibility.
The movies for these books are so good. I'll watch any version of them. Sad as it is to say, those are the only movies I've seen of her work, same with the books. I haven't read any of the others. Yet.
I love reading fanfictions of her books as well. I was at the library once and saw a book that looked good, about Pride & Prejudice, and checked it out. I loved it. I am now in the Middle of reading another fanfiction. It is called Mr. Darcy Presents his Bride. I only checked it out today, So I'm not very far into it yet. But it is still so good.
I strongly recommend any thing by Jane Austen. She is a really good writer. Hopefully you like that time period. If you don't like olden day England, or you don't like love stories, I wouldn't recommend it. But if you do, you should read it.
Love ya,
The movies for these books are so good. I'll watch any version of them. Sad as it is to say, those are the only movies I've seen of her work, same with the books. I haven't read any of the others. Yet.
I love reading fanfictions of her books as well. I was at the library once and saw a book that looked good, about Pride & Prejudice, and checked it out. I loved it. I am now in the Middle of reading another fanfiction. It is called Mr. Darcy Presents his Bride. I only checked it out today, So I'm not very far into it yet. But it is still so good.
I strongly recommend any thing by Jane Austen. She is a really good writer. Hopefully you like that time period. If you don't like olden day England, or you don't like love stories, I wouldn't recommend it. But if you do, you should read it.
Love ya,
Thursday, July 31, 2008
It's Summer
Hey so it's summer.
This is what I have done this summer. I went on the Pioneer trek in June for my stake. I had such a good time. I made new friends, got great exercise, and strenghted friendships. Over the next week, I just sat around my house in anticipation.
For June 26th, I left for Utah. I had so much fun there. I went to Idaho, and I saw my cousins, I went to a family reunion where I learned to drive a golf cart lol, went on fun bike rides with my cousin, and just had fun.
After that I went to my Grandma's in Northern Utah. I went to Logan and saw some of my cousins. I had alot of fun there.
Then 2 days later I went to LEHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hung out with Ana that day, she gave me a makeover. That night I went to my uncles house(in Sprinville). I saw my cousins, and talked. I saw my sister, Kim, and the whole family went to Trafalga and went mini golfing. We had so much fun, I think I got in 2nd place.
The next day was July 4th. That morning, I went to the Freedom Festival Parade with my siblings (and my dad and cousin joined us later about 1 hour later), where I got to see my friends who are in the Lehi High Marching Band perform. Then I went to Lehi and hung out with my friend Jessie. We had so much fun. We went on a walk, listened to the JONAS BROTHERS, and took some fun pics. Then I went back to my uncle's house and my cousin, Casey, my other cousin, Brandon, my sister, Mandy, and I all drove to Provo to see the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire. Where Miley Cyrus preformed. I was within 5 miles of her, it was cool. We then drove back to their home.
The next day while my dad was out swimming with an old friend, my mom, Mandy, Richard(my brother), and I went to IHOP. It was fun. We then went to get my dad, and we drove to Draper where some family friends live. This family friend lived in Minnesota with us. They have a boy my age, was my "boyfriend" when we were 5, so naturally I had to be all cute for him, I wore a cute outfit, did my make-up, and i think I even did my hair that day to. It was so good to see that family again, Parker's(the boy) mom thought after we had left, that they should have gotton a pic of us. lol, how embarresing to hear that.
Oh well, I was already almost back to Lehi (whew). I talked to one of my old neighboors, then I went to my friend, Annie's house. It was so much fun. We went on a walk to Utah Lake, and had a mini water fight. We then walked back, and we were almost completly dry by the time we got back. The we played the Wii until my friend Dev called, and it was time to go hang out with her. Her mom was kind enough to drive me to the McDonalds where me and Dev were meeting. Dev and I always go to McDonalds to gether so thats what we did. First we went to Smiths, cause we do that to. So we went to Smiths, with her dad, checked out, and walked over to McDonalds because it was just accross the street. Dev had to babysit her cousins that night, so I went and helped. It was fun. We did that, then we went back to her house, I stayed the night with her.
The next morning we got up and went to my old ward. Ana met us there. After church, I saw some of my old friends(just before I moved, my ward split so I went to 2 different wards) who weren't there, then Ana came with me to my uncle's house. She wanted to meet Brandon, she had seen a pic of him and thought he was cute. We went to his Eagle thing, back to their house, had dinner, then went to her house. There I stayed for a week.
We went to EFY together. We made new friends, caused some drama....which wasn't fun, and had a blast. I think that week was the best week of my life. There were games, boys, dances, boys, service projects, boys, food, boys, classes, boys, awesome counselors, and boys. I danced with alot of people, and made alot of new friends. But there were many great experiences(not just meeting boys, I'm not really that obbsessed) I got to feel the spirit alot. Ana and I really did have a good time even with some drama.
I was really sad when Friday came around because that was the end of EFY. Also almost the end of my stay in Utah. I went to Ana's house, got my things, said goodbye to her, then I drove to my unlce's house. The next morning my family drove down to Cedar City to see my sister....and Payden of course. We saw her at work, then we went to see where she lived. Then once we were settled we went back to "downtown" Cedar City. There was a renisance festival going on and we walk around it for a while. We then saw Payden. I hadn't seen him in about a year....wait, I saw him on the 4th of July. But anyways, we walked around some more. My mom took us all to dinner at Sizzler's. It was really good. I had a stake. Also I had some salad, desert and things like that.
After dinner, Kim and Richard went back to her place, while my mom, Mandy and I went to see The Taming of the Shrew. Richard didn't want to see it, and Kim was going to see it the next week. Payden works at the box office, so he bought our tickets. It was tonz of fun. I got my picture taken with Shakespear...well a statue of him anyways. Hahaha. We then went back to Kim's house.
The next morning, I took a quick shower, went to church with Kim and we came back to her house, changed and just chilled. I fell asleep on a luv sac. Payden came over later and we had dinner. It was so fun. We watched Pirates of Pensance(idk if thats how it's spelled) which was a recording of what Lehi High did and both Kim and Payden were in it. Then before Payden left, Him and I did the waltz. Which was hard, because he's like 6' 4". And I was in these really skinny heels. But it was alot of fun. The next morning, we drove to New Mexico, stayed the night there, then drove home Tuesday.
Then the next few weeks I just chilled, and went swimming, and got a nice tan.
Now this week, I am at my All State Choir Camp, at my school. It's a few hours a day. In about 3 weeks, I start school.
Well that's it. Love ya,
This is what I have done this summer. I went on the Pioneer trek in June for my stake. I had such a good time. I made new friends, got great exercise, and strenghted friendships. Over the next week, I just sat around my house in anticipation.
For June 26th, I left for Utah. I had so much fun there. I went to Idaho, and I saw my cousins, I went to a family reunion where I learned to drive a golf cart lol, went on fun bike rides with my cousin, and just had fun.
After that I went to my Grandma's in Northern Utah. I went to Logan and saw some of my cousins. I had alot of fun there.
Then 2 days later I went to LEHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hung out with Ana that day, she gave me a makeover. That night I went to my uncles house(in Sprinville). I saw my cousins, and talked. I saw my sister, Kim, and the whole family went to Trafalga and went mini golfing. We had so much fun, I think I got in 2nd place.
The next day was July 4th. That morning, I went to the Freedom Festival Parade with my siblings (and my dad and cousin joined us later about 1 hour later), where I got to see my friends who are in the Lehi High Marching Band perform. Then I went to Lehi and hung out with my friend Jessie. We had so much fun. We went on a walk, listened to the JONAS BROTHERS, and took some fun pics. Then I went back to my uncle's house and my cousin, Casey, my other cousin, Brandon, my sister, Mandy, and I all drove to Provo to see the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire. Where Miley Cyrus preformed. I was within 5 miles of her, it was cool. We then drove back to their home.
The next day while my dad was out swimming with an old friend, my mom, Mandy, Richard(my brother), and I went to IHOP. It was fun. We then went to get my dad, and we drove to Draper where some family friends live. This family friend lived in Minnesota with us. They have a boy my age, was my "boyfriend" when we were 5, so naturally I had to be all cute for him, I wore a cute outfit, did my make-up, and i think I even did my hair that day to. It was so good to see that family again, Parker's(the boy) mom thought after we had left, that they should have gotton a pic of us. lol, how embarresing to hear that.
Oh well, I was already almost back to Lehi (whew). I talked to one of my old neighboors, then I went to my friend, Annie's house. It was so much fun. We went on a walk to Utah Lake, and had a mini water fight. We then walked back, and we were almost completly dry by the time we got back. The we played the Wii until my friend Dev called, and it was time to go hang out with her. Her mom was kind enough to drive me to the McDonalds where me and Dev were meeting. Dev and I always go to McDonalds to gether so thats what we did. First we went to Smiths, cause we do that to. So we went to Smiths, with her dad, checked out, and walked over to McDonalds because it was just accross the street. Dev had to babysit her cousins that night, so I went and helped. It was fun. We did that, then we went back to her house, I stayed the night with her.
The next morning we got up and went to my old ward. Ana met us there. After church, I saw some of my old friends(just before I moved, my ward split so I went to 2 different wards) who weren't there, then Ana came with me to my uncle's house. She wanted to meet Brandon, she had seen a pic of him and thought he was cute. We went to his Eagle thing, back to their house, had dinner, then went to her house. There I stayed for a week.
We went to EFY together. We made new friends, caused some drama....which wasn't fun, and had a blast. I think that week was the best week of my life. There were games, boys, dances, boys, service projects, boys, food, boys, classes, boys, awesome counselors, and boys. I danced with alot of people, and made alot of new friends. But there were many great experiences(not just meeting boys, I'm not really that obbsessed) I got to feel the spirit alot. Ana and I really did have a good time even with some drama.
I was really sad when Friday came around because that was the end of EFY. Also almost the end of my stay in Utah. I went to Ana's house, got my things, said goodbye to her, then I drove to my unlce's house. The next morning my family drove down to Cedar City to see my sister....and Payden of course. We saw her at work, then we went to see where she lived. Then once we were settled we went back to "downtown" Cedar City. There was a renisance festival going on and we walk around it for a while. We then saw Payden. I hadn't seen him in about a year....wait, I saw him on the 4th of July. But anyways, we walked around some more. My mom took us all to dinner at Sizzler's. It was really good. I had a stake. Also I had some salad, desert and things like that.
After dinner, Kim and Richard went back to her place, while my mom, Mandy and I went to see The Taming of the Shrew. Richard didn't want to see it, and Kim was going to see it the next week. Payden works at the box office, so he bought our tickets. It was tonz of fun. I got my picture taken with Shakespear...well a statue of him anyways. Hahaha. We then went back to Kim's house.
The next morning, I took a quick shower, went to church with Kim and we came back to her house, changed and just chilled. I fell asleep on a luv sac. Payden came over later and we had dinner. It was so fun. We watched Pirates of Pensance(idk if thats how it's spelled) which was a recording of what Lehi High did and both Kim and Payden were in it. Then before Payden left, Him and I did the waltz. Which was hard, because he's like 6' 4". And I was in these really skinny heels. But it was alot of fun. The next morning, we drove to New Mexico, stayed the night there, then drove home Tuesday.
Then the next few weeks I just chilled, and went swimming, and got a nice tan.
Now this week, I am at my All State Choir Camp, at my school. It's a few hours a day. In about 3 weeks, I start school.
Well that's it. Love ya,
So I have joined the world of blogging.
Hey you people. I have decided to get a blog. I hope you enjoy reading things about my life. lol That might sound boring, but I promise to make it as exciting as possible.
So I guess I'll start by telling you some stuff.
You know me, so you probably already know this stuff.
1. I live in Texas.
2. I have lived Utah & Minnesota as well.
Ummmm, idk what else to say now.
But sometimes I will probably just have some random stuff on here. So I'll talk to ya later.
love ya,
So I guess I'll start by telling you some stuff.
You know me, so you probably already know this stuff.
1. I live in Texas.
2. I have lived Utah & Minnesota as well.
Ummmm, idk what else to say now.
But sometimes I will probably just have some random stuff on here. So I'll talk to ya later.
love ya,
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